Caronne is an information management company that focuses on the Financial Sector. Our main focus is on organising data, insight in information and result improvement.

Organising data

Before you can start analysing business data, it has to be organised in a way that it can tell a story. Where is it? Do our definitions used comply with the regulator`s expectation? Who should be responsible for it? And which tools can help you get the most out of it?
We developed the IBA Quick Scan™ as a method to discover how efficient your organization uses information. We can help you organise and structure your data better using data warehousing and data governance. Read more...

Insight in information

Patterns and trends will appear once you structure data according to field-proven data warehousing and governance solutions, backed by more than 20 years of best practices and expertise. Our business intelligence methodology provides you with a reporting & analytics environment that gives you a single version of the truth and helps you discover valuable insights to make faster, smarter decisions.
We can can help give you more insight in information by reporting data using Business Intelligence. Read more...

Result improvement

Allow data to work for you. Discover how advanced, integrated and visual analytics and scenarios help you understand your business and can really improve the way you respond to changing business conditions and customer demands.Team up with Caronne and let us reveal the power of your data!
We can help mprove your results, reduce your costs or enhance your customer intimacy using Big Data & Analytics. Read more...

IBA Quick Scan™

We developed the IBA Quick Scan™ as a method to discover how efficient your organization uses information and what you need to change to get the most out of it. The typical lead time for a quick scan is four to eight weeks. We use five to twenty interviews with management and employees to collect the necessary information. The result is a benchmark of your data organization with a roadmap for the next steps. Read more...